StyLitch Chats With Creatives
Hi I'm Charlotte, owner of StyLitch. On my podcast I will be joined by creatives from various sides of the creative industry, to chat about how they got into their jobs, what hilarious encounters they've had, and what makes them tick. Instagram @stylitch_chatswithcreatives
StyLitch Chats With Creatives
S7, Ep 4: Chris Stringer
On today's episode, I chat to illustrative designer Chris Stringer.
Chris is an illustrative designer from South Wales. After leaving a retail career to work in design, he has since specialised in apparel and swimwear, A ‘jack of most trades’, Chris uses digital and traditional illustrative techniques in his work. He also creates artwork under the moniker Stringerarts, which hops between creepy and fun, often including themes of the occult and fantasy.
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